Zoe wasn't the only one to get this tired. |
The past three weeks have been truly a life changing experience. As Professor Vamvakas said on our (very sad) drive to the airport, "We live in a very educated, very wealthy sector of a very educated, very wealthy country." I mention this because the past three weeks of very intense learning made me realize that I know nothing. In Greece I saw people speeding down windy mountain roads on their mopeds carrying their helmets. I saw a people who have been made famous for their debt crisis open their arms and homes for twelve American students they hardly knew. I saw the women who took care of us during our stay cry to see us leave. Most of all, I saw that, like carrying their helmets, some of the things "normal" in Greece may see a little backward to the average American. This, however, had no affect on the amount of love in their hearts or generosity they had. I was blown away that a culture that had less and less every day was still willing to let us in to their hearts and homes. It has revitalized my commitment to learning while simultaneously teaching me that I know and relate to a small fraction of the world. Maybe, just maybe, if I can keep my heart and mind as open as the Greeks do, that can change.
The island never stopped being beautiful. |
Sistahood 4 Lyfe |
It wasn't all work. There was some play involved. |
Just before our fair well dinner. |
Bronze Bros |

In any case, I would like to sincerely thank all of those who have aided me on my journey. Thank you especially to Professor Vamvakas and Professor Kapsomenos for this amazing opportunity, Professor Kulich for her wonderful insights (both in the classroom and out), and Professor Martin for two wonderful lectures. I would like to thank everybody we came into contact with in Alikianos for all of the wonderful lessons learned. A special shout out to my Sisterhood and the Bronze Bros. None of this would have been the same without you, and I miss you all! Finally, thanks to my Mom and Dad (who I know are reading this) for their support and willingness to let me go.
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